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November 19, 2018

Lets start with answering those questions. So the topic about member dinners has been brought up, and honestly the way people are looking at it is ridiculous. Ideal member missionary dinners involves having a non member friend over, member who hasnt attended in awhile, or one of the people they are teaching. And the "prime time" for missionaries to work is from 4PM to 7PM, so people pretty much are saying "Welp sorry missionaries, we cant do those requirements so we arent going to feed you". They are trying to bring back the PURPOSE of member dinners by force. Its been starting to get placed in action, but so far we are still getting fed every now and then. 

We havent gotten any smoke from the fires over along the coast, but literally two days ago this donut shop went up in flames and it was pretty nuts. There's been a ton of fires and things happening in California recently. Along with your questions about Christmas, I honestly have no clue. I dont want to carry too many things I dont need, and being on the mission, I really dont know. I'll get back to you on that I suppose. That blender package should be in the hands of my zone leaders so I should get it soon. We dont have anyone for Thanksgiving dinner yet, but hopefully someone will sign up. I'm sleeping well, my eyes do feel tired at the end of the day right before bed. 

Concerning my companion Elder Singleton, I dont want to absolutely obliterate him but I still have ill feelings. Most the time because he critisizes everything I say and do that he doesnt agree with. I honestly hopping I get transferred from this area. We've been starting to get things happening but I need away from him. We are going to have President Interviews this Wednesday so President Taylor might ask how our companionship is doing, otherwise I'm just trying to see the positives in everything. That talk you sent me I think yesterday about the "Power of Words" I'm going to study that more, because I need to exercise mindset and be mentally strong with myself. 

Thats fun to hear what y'alls plans are for Thanksgiving and everything coming up. Grant and Savannah are nuts at the things they love. Dad told me how you've been up and about on the Christmas season already. You'll have to send me the peppernut recipe and maybe I can try and make a batch out here or something. I've been drinking about one thing of AXIO everyday in the morning, I'm going to be trying to find better foods and things for me to eat this time around in Winco. I keep buying food that I dont end up eating until a week or two later, I save well on money but still working on using my resources. 

I know I last emailed on Wednesday so its definitely a shorter time frame since the last time I emailed. We had some interesting things happen though. Dad sent me that "Chop Wood Carry Water" book and its got a ton of great stuff in there, I'm just trying to use a little bit of it at a time. Trying to break old habits is stinking hard, but I know its possible to think more positively and have faith. Theres just been a ton of pondering and thinking that has been happening since I've been here. I'll make sure to include you and Dad in the weekly email so you'll get the inside scoop of what has happened. We had dinner with a member family yesterday and they asked if we were excited to call family in about a month, and my brain just hit realization that its coming up so soon. Its weird how fast time is flying, feels like not too long ago I called you guys on Mothers Day. 

Anyways though, I'll try and respond back if you email sometime during the day. We are just doing laundry right now at this laundromat. I LOVE YOU MOMMA!! 

 - Elder Brimhall 


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