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September 24, 2018

Did You Think to Pray?

I actually took pictures this week. And for some odd reason this computer is denying me the right to access those photos... Hold back the pitchforks for now, I'll fix the problem sometime soon. But besides from that one. The title comes from a praying mantis I saw while knocking on doors. I went to go ring a doorbell and there is this giant praying mantis guarding the bell. I ended up not wanting to fight the thing and knocked on the door.

Something our mission does every transfer (which is a six week period of time kept by missionaries), we have this thing called a zone conference. And all the missionaries here in the desert got together. Which is always a fun experience being out for little over 13 months now seeing people I've grown to meet and love during my time here and catching up with them. But the whole reason we got together was to learn and grow in our service out here. And something that stuck out to me was learning to set goals, but most importantly be consistent with them. For example, setting a specific goal with a time frame, then you can gauge your success and effort that came from that goal. Thus you can follow up and keep recommitting yourself to improve at a more consistent rate. GO FIGURE!! There was a lot of information but it was mostly about asking God, "what can I improve on?" Then seeing where we need to improve, and effectively working on that.

Back tracking to what happened this last week. We created some morning basketball games with our Ward Mission Leader, couple members of the church, and their friends. So we wake up earlier and head towards the church building at 6:30AM till 7:30 AM every Tuesday and Thursday, and play basketball in teams of usually whoever shows in 3v3, 4v4, or 5v5s. Its been a bit of a slow turn out but more people have been coming and it gives us an opportunity to build relationships with people outside a "formal" setting. I also realized I stink at basketball, I'm getting beat by old men, don't tell them I said that though. 

But of course, my entire purpose to be out here is to invite others to come unto Jesus Christ, by helping them receive the restored gospel. AND BY DOING THAT, we knock lots of doors and talk to as many people as we can out here. Which means we are outside, a lot, but thank goodness for water, its a life saver. Not only that, this desert of Apple Valley actually has legit trees, not the excuses of twigs we get back home in Arizona in some cases. On top of that, its got some ranches, talked with this one cowboy who claimed he has 25 horses, he showed us 5 of them, and it was impressive. Imagine an old western movie cowboy, that's the man we talked to. 

Besides from that though, nothing too exciting is happening right now. I also might seem to bore people with the lack of content. So I'm going to try and brainstorm some ideas and things that would spice it up out here. Otherwise I gotta get rolling, I love you all! Bai Bai!

- Elder Brimhall


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