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Weekly Email (10/16/2017)

Hello Mom and Dad! How have you all been? Looks like you all had fun in California and up in Pinetop! I'm glad you all had fun and I hope and pray for you all always!

I mailed the iPod and the cord thing together... I guess someone just stole the iPod when I had tried to send it back home. That's pretty unfortunate and I hope that person realizes the guilt and shame in stealing. But thank goodness for repentance right?

You got me a T-shirt?! I can only imagine what it might be. I should be fine with the jacket you sent me so it'll be great (hopefully). I'll let you know through email if I need another one or something else. 

I have no idea about Jacob's farewell but when I find out I'll make sure to let you know!

I've heard from Rebekah every now and then, she is having a blast up in Provo BYU!

I have had the opportunity to play "chair soccer" which is pretty much hitting chairs as the goals with a soccer ball, it was pretty fun. And so many other games for Zone Activity on P-Day and its just so entertaining!

Elder Olson is from Castle Rock Colorado and has been in his mission for now 16 months, he is finishing my training as a missionary in Victorville. He LOVES Star Wars and a lot of the games I loved playing, and also movies. We may have stayed up past the time we are supposed to go to bed but we are getting along SUPER WELL. And just on top of that, we enjoy some of the same hobbies and just working together in the work we have. In just one week with him we have had SO MANY potential investigators for learning more of the gospel and learning what we have to share with people.

People are looking for happiness in their lives, people are looking for something happy in this world full of negatives and positives, they are looking for a hope. There are a lot of religions that offer some hope but its confusing to people, they may not want to change, they are maybe scared of what we say because it is new. But one thing is always true, Jesus Christ was the perfect example of a loving character, just like our Father in heaven.

Elder Brimhall

- Maybe instead of an iPod shuffle maybe the one that actually has a smaller screen or something? Otherwise I'll think of something. And yup I have a couple pictures, but I have been slacking suuuuper hard on that stuff. I also figured out when I cook turkey bacon it tastes like popcorn...


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