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Hello Mom and Dad!

How's it going? Long time no see, quite literally, but how's it been back in Arizona? I got your package with the fortune cookies, chopsticks, socks, chocolates, that super awesome looking tie, and other letters and goodies. Thank you so much for those! I have been slacking when it came to writing paper letters so I'll try and get back into the groove of things.

Everything in the mission field has been an adventure, as usual, and somehow I've been in the mission field for already 2 months, like where the heack did time go like COME BACK. Seriously though the work here has been hard but I never expected it to be easy and so far as much as I work there are blessings around every corner, even if its not on that day. Putting the best foot forward and continuing forward in faith is action in itself and just keeping forward helps out a lot. Also being able to have the thought that maybe I planted a seed in the hearts of others is enough to keep me going. The mission work out here is pretty awesome to be completely honest. Even though at times I'd rather be doing other things I keep my mind to the work and having a companion right besides me HELPS ME SO MUCH!

But good news I do indeed have pictures for you guys... Coming up in real soon!​

Love you all so much! (Making emails short because time is also short but I can respond in the time I have!!)

Elder Brimhall

- Yeah its supposedly supposed to get cooler starting tomorrow so that jacket will come in handy soon. The Ward Halloween party was pretty awesome, lots of people dressed up and some less active family we have been visiting came and had a really good time so thats super awesome! 


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