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Showing posts from March, 2018

March 28, 2018

Mom, Alright time to answer some questions (as usual!): - Office Elder works around in the mission office like taking inventory, sending referrals, making supply boxes for zones, make sure we have all the things we need for missionaries needs and fulfilling the work and so much more! - My companion is Elder Clawson from Texas! - Yes I share a "barn" with another set of Elders who are actually the assistants to the Mission President so that's a lot of fun! - I have no idea about what preference of phone that I want, I just know I can choose from the Samsung A, J, S, or Note series but I have no idea about what each one does or differentiates. So maybe you could send me some notes about the different models or something I don't know honestly. - Everything is going really well, thanks for asking! - Yep definitely sounds familiar, I was pretty darn nervous I believe. I'll be praying for Kyler, its going to be quite the experience but I'm sure he...

Pictures members have sent over the last two months

March 19, 2018

Questions Being Answered: - This week went pretty swell thanks for asking! - Yeah we got a couple days of rain, I just wore my big jacket and didn't care about everything else. So it was pretty fun, thanks for the rain checkup! - No I do not have a poncho but that's OK! - We have had a couple missionaries leave early due to illnesses and other problems but it happens to everyone. I don't know about the number of missionaries but I know it happens. I'll be knowing more about things soon though (I'll let you know why in a bit). - Nope I did not get pinched thankfully. That was because Elder Pedersen was sick for an entire two days and he absolutely hated not being able to work. So we all got stuck in the apartment unfortunately but that means we get to work extra hard! - Not yet, I'll stop by an Wells Fargo ATM some time, no worries. You don't have to email President Taylor, its gonna be alright. I haven't been using my Wells Fargo account card...

March 12, 2018

No worries about not emailing. I thought you would be busy with work but hey that is why we can always try and try again, just like how our Father in heaven always has his arms outstretched towards us. Questions: - No I have not logged into my bank account at all since I am asked to only email and stay on church approved websites I have not been able to check. But I could possibly find a Wells Fargo ATM and see where my balance is at.  - We can go to the church building to watch General Conference but we can also watch it with a member if they invite us over. I remember doing both back in Victorville when I was serving there.  - Things have been going pretty good this week thank you for asking! It rained quite a couple times over here in Ontario and I have been hearing from people we talk to it might rain again throughout the week but I don't see a lot of clouds yet so we'll see what happens. Me and Elder Pedersen have been trying to help people progress towards ...

March 5, 2018

I'm guessing you are working in the office again and you forgot to send an email so its alright! Do not beat yourself up about it too much and just know that I love you no matter what! Also thank you for all the pictures you've been sending me, soon enough I can make like a wall of pictures with everything I have, everyone keeps commenting on them whenever they see em so that's fun. The mission field has been really good! Recently we got to bike around in the rain and nobody was outside, because it was raining, but we met some former investigators who want to keep continuing to learn more about the message we share! And its been warming up over here now so I don't have to worry about being cold again, until winter rolls around again but that won't be for awhile and I should be fine, as long as I don't get sent to Wrightwood or Big Bear where it will be REALLY COLD.  Me and my companion Elder Pedersen have been getting along better and better with every p...

February 26, 2018

No I don't need gloves. No I don't need scarves. No I don't need sweaters. No I don't need a warmer coat. And No I don't need money on my account I'll live but thank you! I don't really need anything if anything I have things that I DON'T NEED and might consider buying a box and shipping it home to make room for things I "collect" around the mission. Thank you though! Just wait for the birthday mark for me I guess, got some good amount of time before that comes up so don't worry! The week went pretty good, definitely better than last week. Elder Pederson is feeling homesick for his family back home and other things he is working through. But otherwise when we get to work and stay obedient we do pretty alright. We are working through some things and working together the best we can so we CAN work together in unity because heaven knows I need companion unity so the Spirit can testify what we teach. He is kind to me and we actually get alo...

February 20, 2018

Yesterday was President's Day so all the libraries were closed but now I have some time to email... Guess like usual lets answer those questions: 1) The week was pretty fun and interesting thanks for asking! 2) Anything new? Well I have a new companion Elder Pedersen from Canada, so that is pretty fun, follow up training him and being a district leader so its gonna be really fun. Yeah its been getting much colder and it is so darn uncomfortable to bike in cold weather at night. I was so cold that I wore gloves and some missionaries at district meeting noticed it and said "You're cold?" and I just starred at them and said "I'm Arizona... Have mercy on me." its fun out here in California weather. 3) Gabriel has been really hard to meet with unfortunately but we are still trying. 4) Elder Pedersen is quite the character. God is really teaching me to love others and take hits that is for sure. 5) I recently just got a postcard with me as a chubby...

February 12, 2018

Alright lets get these questions answered right off the bat! 1. So Elder de la Torre is actually staying as my companion along with my new companion Elder Pederson (who am I finishing training). Yep I am training again and I am also serving as District Leader so I am on double duty, its gonna be a blast. Elder de la Torre will be picked by his parents on Thursday and will be taken home when then he will go to the Missionary Training Center next Wednesday and after his "3 Weeks" he will COME BACK to the mission to ME and so I'll be in a Trio then back to Duo, then back AGAIN to Trio. He is screwing me over, ha! (he is watching me type this so its ok). 2. We have Zone Conference once every transfer so its pretty nice. One Zone Conference in the valley where we serve and one for the desert of the mission every transfer.  3. I don't know about General Conference yet but I don't have to worry about all that jazz until March when its coming up on April for when we...