Alright lets get these questions answered right off the bat!
1. So Elder de la Torre is actually staying as my companion along with my new companion Elder Pederson (who am I finishing training). Yep I am training again and I am also serving as District Leader so I am on double duty, its gonna be a blast. Elder de la Torre will be picked by his parents on Thursday and will be taken home when then he will go to the Missionary Training Center next Wednesday and after his "3 Weeks" he will COME BACK to the mission to ME and so I'll be in a Trio then back to Duo, then back AGAIN to Trio. He is screwing me over, ha! (he is watching me type this so its ok).
2. We have Zone Conference once every transfer so its pretty nice. One Zone Conference in the valley where we serve and one for the desert of the mission every transfer.
3. I don't know about General Conference yet but I don't have to worry about all that jazz until March when its coming up on April for when we will hear the words of God's servants in the church.
4. Teaching is going pretty good. Unfortunately some of our investigators we have been unable to meet with since they are staying out of contact with us and its hard to meet with them but besides from that its going pretty good. We are always looking for more people to teach and hopefully they see the change that comes from following God's path and they can make that commitment to be baptized.
5. We get to work with members sometimes when it comes to working with Less-Actives in the ward but besides from that we are trying to have members present for lessons with Investigators. Its just hard to work with EVERYONE's schedules but we are trying to do better so we'll see how that works.
Alright good gravy that took forever and there are so many people to email. Everything this week has been pretty crazy I'll say that much. I'll share a pretty funny and awesome story though because its becoming one of my favorites to share with people. So one of our investigators we've been trying to help him read the Book of Mormon but he always is tired or forgets so we asked how we could help and he asked us to text him at 1:00AM in the morning to read the Book of Mormon. So we have been waking up (with alarms) at 1:00AM in the morning and texting him and when we met with him on Saturday ITS BEEN WORKING. Its pretty awesome.
I'm SUPER SHORT on time and I will have more time next week when all this craziness passes but I love you so much and please give Bryson a loving little punch for not emailing me this week. Thanks! And tell him his brother loves him!
Elder Brimhall
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