Alright time to answer some questions (as usual!):
Alright time to answer some questions (as usual!):
- Office Elder works around in the mission office like taking inventory, sending referrals, making supply boxes for zones, make sure we have all the things we need for missionaries needs and fulfilling the work and so much more!
- My companion is Elder Clawson from Texas!
- Yes I share a "barn" with another set of Elders who are actually the assistants to the Mission President so that's a lot of fun!
- I have no idea about what preference of phone that I want, I just know I can choose from the Samsung A, J, S, or Note series but I have no idea about what each one does or differentiates. So maybe you could send me some notes about the different models or something I don't know honestly.
- Everything is going really well, thanks for asking!
- Yep definitely sounds familiar, I was pretty darn nervous I believe.
I'll be praying for Kyler, its going to be quite the experience but I'm sure he'll do great out there. I'll also be praying for Mindy as well, its going to be quite the adventure making those transitions but best of luck to her! Oh man I had no idea I was actually the first great-grandchild to serve a mission, fancy that, she is so awesome. If you see her again tell her I love her! Holy cow reading that next paragraph actually caught me off guard. Dad is selling his practice? What happened? That's going be to way different but I will continue to always pray for you all and for Dad. I was honestly surprised by that, but I know God will always be with us every step of the way. We just need to keep our covenants we made with Him and always remember Him as we work together in our family and it will be alright!
OK, so first off the office is where a lot of things happen. I get to serve around Elder and Sister Newbury who are the vehicle coordinator and mission nurse so I get to chat with them throughout the day. (So don't plan on coming to the mission office again until a long while because I'll be in there, DON'T VISIT ME ON ACCIDENT!). But in the office I get to make supply boxes for zones in the mission to give supplies and other things to everyone in the mission. Also we get to send referrals around the world and in our mission to keep the work going and also just so many things. Time is so limited and there is so much... Sorry.
In the actual proselyting area me and my companion serve in its actually smaller than usual, because we are cooped up in the office but its still has people who are looking for the truth. I just gotta search a lot harder and and work more efficiently than usual! I'll let you know what happens throughout this week because it was transfers so everything is whack for office elders and the assistants but it will be normal next week!! LOVE YOU MOM!!
- Elder Brimhall
When I got called into the mission office I kept thinking about you telling me you serve in the office and I just thought, "Like father like son I suppose". I 100% agree with everything you just said in the first paragraph, its going to be really interesting. I'm going to be part of the process in which we introduce smart phones into the mission which means a little more food on the big plate I got in front of me, but I know its going to work out.
It is so odd just working in the night time, because everyone is having dinner and unwinding down to go to bed and low and behold here come me and my companion to share with you some cool stuff. Except most those people don't know it yet, which is why we'll keep trying to talk to everyone and knocking every door we can (with courteous of course).
Yeah just this Monday night we got to pick up the new missionaries from the airport with the Mission President, his wife, and the assistants and bring them to the mission home which was actually really fun getting to know and meet all of them.
I'm lucky for you to be my father. The reason why I am me is because you set an example of leadership and Christlike attributes that I noticed and wanted to implement into my life. You are an extremely hard worker who still remembers his role has a father and a priesthood holder. Thank you for helping me be who I am today and I am looking forward to working in this office, I'll try not to get too comfortable though.
Yeah Mom told me about you selling your practice. I was really surprised but I have trust in you that its what you want to do. (Plus you have been doing this for so long and are way smarter than me so you know a lot more!). But I'm happy as long as it makes you happy to be working where you are working now. LifeVantage has been growing a lot and I know you are there for a reason (right back atcha!). I'm looking forward to General Conference so much right now and its been coming up on us pretty quickly. One thing I wanna invite you to invite the family is watch General Conference with questions written down or thinking about. It was super cool doing this last general conference during my first transfer in the mission and I learned so much that I never knew about from General Conference.
Altogether though I love you all very much and look forward to email you more next week and apoligies about emailing latter. It was the first week of the transfer so it was SUPER BUSY and we get permission to email on Wednesday on the 1st week of the transfer for those reasons. But I love you so much Dad, KEEP BEING AWESOME!!!
- Elder Brimhall
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