Yesterday was President's Day so all the libraries were closed but now I have some time to email... Guess like usual lets answer those questions:
1) The week was pretty fun and interesting thanks for asking!
2) Anything new? Well I have a new companion Elder Pedersen from Canada, so that is pretty fun, follow up training him and being a district leader so its gonna be really fun. Yeah its been getting much colder and it is so darn uncomfortable to bike in cold weather at night. I was so cold that I wore gloves and some missionaries at district meeting noticed it and said "You're cold?" and I just starred at them and said "I'm Arizona... Have mercy on me." its fun out here in California weather.
3) Gabriel has been really hard to meet with unfortunately but we are still trying.
4) Elder Pedersen is quite the character. God is really teaching me to love others and take hits that is for sure.
5) I recently just got a postcard with me as a chubby baby with everyone of Dad's family so the Sisters in the zone got to have a nice laugh out of that one. Thanks!
6) Yep time flies, it does indefinitely have wings.
Sounds like you've been having a super fun time back in Arizona by the sound of it. Sadly I don't have a lot of time to email thanks to the nonsense of yesterday but hopefully I'll have pictures for you next time and write better letters. I can say though that I am learning a lot when it comes to the scriptures. Just recently I've been noticing the examples of God's servants and chosen people throughout the scriptures and what they do and what they change about themselves to help others around them. And also how to use the scriptures themselves to teach others so I'm trying to implement that into my life and be a more better servant to others around me.
Altogether though I am sorry for how short this email is but I promise to have pictures (with my camera cord because I always forget that) and do better next week. I love you so much and pray for you always!! Tell everyone I love em!!
Elder Brimhall
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