I'm guessing you are working in the office again and you forgot to send an email so its alright! Do not beat yourself up about it too much and just know that I love you no matter what! Also thank you for all the pictures you've been sending me, soon enough I can make like a wall of pictures with everything I have, everyone keeps commenting on them whenever they see em so that's fun.
The mission field has been really good! Recently we got to bike around in the rain and nobody was outside, because it was raining, but we met some former investigators who want to keep continuing to learn more about the message we share! And its been warming up over here now so I don't have to worry about being cold again, until winter rolls around again but that won't be for awhile and I should be fine, as long as I don't get sent to Wrightwood or Big Bear where it will be REALLY COLD.
Me and my companion Elder Pedersen have been getting along better and better with every passing day. I just needed to stop letting the little things bug me and focus more on the positives so that has been helping a lot. And it works with just about everything. The "negatives" that happen in our life can be lessons or ways we can learn and do better as we progress, which makes those things a "positive"! And it helps so much when it comes to missionary work. Especially when no one really wants to talk to you they could look back and think "Maybe that is important" or just reaching out to them could make their day. That's what makes the mission so fun and interesting. No effort is wasted wherever we go (unless we try to waste it)!
I have pictures of my companion and not myself so I'll do better this week with having pictures taken of me next time. Sorry mom!! LOVE YOUUUUU!!
-Elder Brimhall
Nothing much nothing much just working out here in the jungles of Ontario, thanks for asking! The district is doing pretty great, its just my companionship, a pair of Spanish Elders and Sisters serving in a Tongan ward so its pretty fun. I guess we could use the word leading, but I like using the word administering because I don't take control of them but definitely the responsibility part is fun, adds a little more stress on top of everything. Its great though, I love everyone in this district, I'll have to get a "District Photo" for you and Mom. Training is going pretty great, we are getting along better just "humbling" myself so the little things don't bother me but he can be a little bit of a nuisance, guess Bryson prepared me for this moment (just kidding I love him, I'm gonna hug him when I get back).
Sounds like you've been having a fun time while at home and at work. Great to hear how Grant did on his Basketball Tournament, that's awesome that he keeps improving and improving he'll be a pro before he knows it. I see that Savannah is also busy as ever with her dance, glad to hear everything is going A-OK over there. Yeah friends can be a bit of a kick to the behind, but honestly I never really tried looking for other people so Bryson can do better than I can, it just starts with talking. THAT IS THE BIG THING I LEARNED OUT HERE. When you just starting talking, that is when the real fun begins... 2 different people who know nothing about each other, then as soon as we start talking then BOOM conversations flying everywhere and we learn from each other. Mission is sooo much fun!
Dang though the area back home is growing really quick... Say Hi to Connor Stott for me, I already forgot where was he serving his mission? Thanks also for that advice, its always nice to think I am "dirt" as King Benjamin would say but to know that God knows our divine potential that means we can keep trying and we'll see the blessings and growth as we continue onward!
Everything has been going really good over here in the mission field thats for sure. We have Zone Conference coming up this Thursday so that'll be fun and its always great to see everyone in the mission (kind of) and just learn new things and insights. And its just great to sit down as well and just listen, its like church but for missionaries. I just realized that I took a lot of time answering questions and stuff and I still have a lot of people to email so sorry Dadio!! I'll do better next week and I'll have pictures hopefully because Mom will kill me if I don't... But I love you lots Dad!! TALK to you next week!!!
-Elder Brimhall
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