No I don't need gloves. No I don't need scarves. No I don't need sweaters. No I don't need a warmer coat. And No I don't need money on my account I'll live but thank you! I don't really need anything if anything I have things that I DON'T NEED and might consider buying a box and shipping it home to make room for things I "collect" around the mission. Thank you though! Just wait for the birthday mark for me I guess, got some good amount of time before that comes up so don't worry!
The week went pretty good, definitely better than last week. Elder Pederson is feeling homesick for his family back home and other things he is working through. But otherwise when we get to work and stay obedient we do pretty alright. We are working through some things and working together the best we can so we CAN work together in unity because heaven knows I need companion unity so the Spirit can testify what we teach. He is kind to me and we actually get along pretty well, but nothing is perfect in life we know that.
We found a new investigator named Abram Yates who is Catholic and originally only wanted to hear what we had to talk about God and said "You can't convert me..." but by utilizing the HowToBeginTeaching points we redirected his thoughts and words to our purpose and the lesson went really well but there is still much room for improvement. And another investigator this week was Armondo who was a referral, for when we knocked on his door he told us he had just got home 5 minutes ago and could give us time to talk and share our message with him. We've had a lot of really cool moments where God's timetable is a lot better than the daily planning schedule we can come up with. Our contacting was also a lot better than last weeks so we'll continue to improve with every step into every day. Me and Elder Pedersen also got to have quite a couple awesome lessons with our investigators this week, we even recommitted on of our investigators to follow Moroni's promise and with "real intent" reading the Book of Mormon so this week has been pretty great.
That's unfortunate about the championship game, it sounded pretty close. That is unfair though in all honesty, but even when we lose we learn something to improve and do better so that's a positive outlook on things! Man I miss YC's, that is some good food right there. No I haven't found any good ones yet but then again I haven't really tried looking so that's my bad I suppose. I don't get time to really look for these things anyways being cooped up in one area and then on bike, plus money budgeting so maybe for when I get back.
Its been fun but I gotta run now! I pray for you all always and hope for everyone! Gotta send a lot of emails out so tell the kiddos I said Hi! Thanks MOM!!
- Elder Brimhall
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