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April 2, 2018

Time to answer all these questions on this sticky keyboard in the library:
- Yep I got that Easter package! Thanks so much!
- Yes I live in a barn, its been refurnished and stuff so I'll have to take pictures for you so I can show you it. And no I am not teasing you.
- Yeah I get to pick up new missionaries and help out if there is a lot of them otherwise its the Assistants to the President and President Taylor. The APs are Elders Etheridge from Alabama and Elder Prestwich from Idaho. They are pretty funny guys and they both have country accents with some Southerner in there for some reason, I'll make sure to take some pictures.
- We watched Conference at church.
- I got that Easter package, but I didn't have to follow and string which made it easier.
- Yeah those are two options they are doing right now. And I actually went by BestBuy today to look at the options and its WAY cheaper buying them from off Insight (the email the church sent to you). So I'll just have to go with the Samsung J7 and if you could buy the case, cover, and memory card that would be AWESOME! I might stick with it but honestly just get the Samsung J7, I don't need it to be ridiculously good and it'll work just great!

(This keyboard is really obnoxious) 

Everything has been pretty interesting this week. General Conference happened and we learned about a lot of new changes and heard about new temples that will be built sometime soon in the future in places like Russia and India! Just news and revelation flying out of everywhere from President Taylor and from the apostles and leaders of God's church. Along with that me and Elder Clawson are getting along even better than before and we are working more in unison and with power. We are still struggling to find people to teach and hold appointments in our short time to go out and proselyte but we are doing what we can. And on top of that we have some people we are hoping to go back to and share with them the restored gospel!

One cool insight I had this week while studying in the scriptures and from General Conference is when it comes to receiving revelation. How many times have I wanted things just to come to me right then and there but I get little by little... I learned that its better to be patient and keep going stronger by putting me in places and situations that will help me keep being the servant the Lord needs me to be. And while I was reading in Helaman about Samuel the Lamanite I was learning about his courage and his calling to preach to those who wont' listen. And he stood on that wall calling everyone to turn unto God, but only a smaller number listened. We gotta take it little by little and eventually it'll come to us... Patience... Gotta love it.

Time is running out and this keyboard is really bugging me but I'll make sure to have pictures for you next week!! And just go ahead and buy the Samsung J7 with all the stuff and I'll have fun trying to do all the fancy dancy things with them, and do it as fast as you can because I think me and my companion have to use them earlier because of testing and figuring things out for trainings in the future so NO RUSH!! LOVE YOU MOMMA, LOVE YAAA!!

- Elder Brimhall

Alright time to answer those questions:
- The mission office is going pretty well. just working with inventory, buying supplies for the missionaries, sending referrals that we get from missionaries and members, trying to learn more about the smart phone technology, and so much stuff.
- For the training its all focused on the missionary purpose and technology is only an asset to further the work, and its a lot of self discipline with the safeguards and things they are implementing. Its going to be pretty interesting.
- In the mission office its Elder and Sister Newbury and they are the vechile coordinator and mission nurse so they are pretty fun. And the Assistants to the President pop in every now and then to work with the Mission President. Me and my companion of course and that is pretty much it.
- My new companion is pretty awesome, we are getting along pretty well and we are both learning everyday to work on our best to GET OUT and work in the Lord's vineyard.
- The senior couples are pretty funny and jokingly but they are also participating in the work with the other missionaries where they are serving, so that's pretty great.

Glad to hear that everyone enjoyed General Conference, President Nelson hit us pretty good with everything he said. The temples in Russia and India are going to be REALLY interesting, I was pretty shocked and when he said Latin Utah I was laughing pretty good there too. Everything talked about in General Conference was pretty awesome and I enjoyed all of it honestly. I seem like I'm getting more out of it while on the mission and I only hope I can continue that same spirituality throughout my life.

I didn't know you had been thinking about it but I'm happy as long as you are happy doing the thing you love most. Work is just a lot more fun if you enjoy the work, makes it less of a hassle and more enjoyable everyday. If you ain't having fun then I take a new perspective and keep working hard, missionary work is serious business but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy it! You are a pretty darn good teacher so I believe you'll teach everyone a bunch of great and awesome things just like usual. Something I learned is Jesus Christ was the perfect example and teacher for everyone because everyone could understand him. But everyone teaches and understands differently but one thing stays the same in missionary work, the Spirit testifies of truth and the truth never changes.

The first week of this transfer was kind of whack so I'll keep it to this week we are going to knock the houses in this area and find those that are willing to listen. And I'll come back next week and let you know how it goes. LOVE YOU DAD, I'LL LOOK FORWARD FROM HEARING EVERYTHING FROM YA NEXT WEEK!

- Elder Brimhall


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