HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA!! 🎂🎉. That's pretty funny that that Dad and the kiddos got you a cake, and that sounds like a ton of fun that you and the family are going out to do whatever you want. I think for New Years we'll just go to sleep, maybe, we still have to be awake at 6:30 in the morning. I didnt know you and the family was going out to Mexico, it sounded like a ton of fun. Its amazing how serving can give us a new perspective of love and thankfulness.I was super grateful to talk to you and everyone in the family. It was funny seeing how Grant, Savannah, and Bryson have changed over time. It was honestly really weird talking to all of them. By the time I come home they'll be even more grown up. After the Christmas call we had some goodie bags made and gave them with #LightTheWorld cards to all our neighbors in our apartment complex and some other people.We were walking down a street trying by some people that used to meet with missionaries and looking for anyone that would talk to us. And while we were walking this lady came out asking if we were "the Mormons" (kindly correct that we are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) and she mentioned she used to be a member and needed help moving. Her husband passed away recently and she needed help moving out and all her family is far away because she's originally from Scotland! She was praying for help and we came walking by! God works in miraculous ways ladies and gentlemen!Sickness has been striking us pretty good over in here California. My problems went to my companion, and not only that, lots of people here have gotten sick as well so go figure. Its given us some pondering about what we can make in our new crock-pot and we've whipped up some fine concoctions that have turned out pretty good. During the week we got to help someone we met lay some sod which was a first for me, but it turned out pretty great, until the sprinkler system ambushed us in the middle of it all. We survived thankfully, but many were wounded in battle. On top of everything, sickness really got ahold of us by the throat (literally) pretty good. We're feeling much better as of now so we'll be getting back into full swing of the work out here.I got some photos taken during a companionship study we had whioe driving around and got these photos. Consider them a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! gift from me 😂. I'll get something better for you next year. Guess I can make the joke, SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!! LOVE YOU MOMMA!!! Have a wonderful birthday and happy new years!- Elder Brimhall
Yup that technology thing was worldwide. And for some odd reason, as soon as tech problem arise everyone calls the Office Elders. I actually counted how many people called and text me and it totaled up to 23 calls and 12 text message conversations. Needless to say that preparation day was full of stress and confusion. But fun nonetheless. Yeah it mostly got fixed, there are a few little hiccups with the system the church uses but it mostly works fine so that's good. God has a ton of patience and love. And its kind of comforting knowing if He can deal with me and everyone else I can deal with the people I am working with and helping. Kind of a nice little thought even though its kind of antagonizing. Fun to hear about Dad's work going on with LifeVantage, you'll have to send me the picture of that Jeep when you get the opportunity with the logo and everything. Also fun to hear about Savannah with pom and dance, she seems to be running all over the place out there. G...
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