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December 3, 2018

Thats super cool to hear Bryson and Savannah got to hear from Elder Bednar. Sounds like Savi has been having fun with just about everything. Bryson emailed me and it sounds like things have been tough for him or that he's being tough on himself. If there's anything I can do to help on my end let me know, but maybe when the Christmas call comes could I get a couple minutes alone with him? I know thats asking a lot but it might be good for him and for me. I'll ask him about that idea or you can to him. 

I just recently saw your email about what Elders want as gifts for Christmas. And the only thing I can think of is food, maybe clothes or something (that'll be hard because sizes), and maybe things they can play with. I dont know we Elders out here are very easily entertained by just about everything. 

Some information about transfers that just happened. I left Apple Valley and am getting moved to Hesperia which is literally not too far away. I'm with Elder McLaughlin now and he's from Texas. He's only been out for about 5 months so it'll be fun being his new companion here. Concerning the boxing some stuff, are you coming to the mission office on December 9th or when are you going? I can find someone who will be going down the hill to leave that stuff in the mission office for you. And yes I did already eat all the peppernuts unfortunately, they were great as ever! 

It was honestly pretty sad that I am leaving Mojave Narrows but it was bound to happen. I got to say goodbye to a couple people I got close with and a picture with David and Elida our recent converts in the ward. I learned a lot from my small time there and it was difficult, those hard times definitely built something inside me though so we'll see what happens. 

Here's the tags on the gray suit coat and the pants that are with it. They both fit its just getting real uncomfortable wearing that suit anymore. Besides from that though it works fine. I LOVE YA MOMMA!! I'll be actually sending a weekly so stay tuned! 

New Beginnings

First off, SORRY! I haven't been very good at writing these weeklies these past couple of weeks. The work has been difficult and I honestly didnt have the motivation to write what happened. But I realized the hard and the good moments are worth while, and I'll do better with talking about them. So, lets get started!

On December 1st, which was Saturday, we got to do service all day long because of the new #LightTheWorld initiative. On the first day they wanted us doing service whatever it may be, and one of those activities was picking up dog poop. This lady we served used to meet with the missionaries, but because of health and growing old she couldn't clean her backyard. Keep in mind she also has 3 BIG dogs, which their poop was big as a well. I never thought I would say that a trash can filled to the brim with poop would be so heavy that we could say, "This is heavy as crap!". We scooped that poop so well I wish I took a before and after picture because there was a lot. Just picture in your minds eye, 5 big trash bins of just dog poop, bada bing bada boom you got it.

Although we didn't stop there. The desert over here in Apple Valley has a ton of trash just everywhere you go. So we decided to spend our time cleaning up Apple Valley one piece of trash at a time. You find some odd stuff just digging through, we find tires, buckets, shingles, multiple shoes but never a pair, it was quite the sight to see. We didn't get a ton of it, but we got our work's worth, every helping hand even if its one makes a difference. 

Recently we had transfers happen in the mission and I got moved to another part of the desert called Hesperia! I'm with Elder McLaughlin who is from Texas and it's going to be a fun transfer I believe. 

Sorry this email is shorter than others but it's going to get better! I promise! I love you all! Go out there are #LightTheWorld!!


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