I honestly cannot recall who Connor Peterson is right now. My brain has a REALLY hard time remembering people's names with their faces, you already know that though so I'll let you sigh in defeat over there. Every time they sing "God Be With You Til We Meet Again" is such a good one, gets me every time as well, its a good one in general though, personally one of my favorites. I think one of my favorite hymms of all time though would have to be "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". Such a good one.
I can imagine its pretty hard to not wanna hug me. I'm a hug-able guy I guess. If I was in your shoes I would probably have floored the gas pedal as well, or probably go around the area in a 30 mile radius so I don't get the temptation, but hey you used your agency wisely so good job Mom! I have noticed that about being the decider, but I do believe we have to have a fine line of deciding but also being willing to submit to what others decide as well. We gotta be bold but loving, humble but determined to lead. Boston Mandarin Chinese speaking, oh man that has got to be a lot of fun right there. I found a vocabulary book with Chinese in it so I have been learning how to say some of the phrases, I am probably pronouncing it wrong but its fun. We have Chinese speaking ward mates as I have already told you before, but sometimes we help with their English class since that's how they do some of their finding. Its fun learning little phrases or hearing what its like when they talk or teach.
Crazy how school is already getting ready to start again. The kids here in California have to start school next Thursday I believe so its sad that you guys have to already get started on that. Oh well though, it'll be good for them. I realized that I have been out of school for over a year so its a really weird feeling. Fun to hear that everyone has been having fun though, it'll be unfortunate that they are starting school again but they'll find new friends. Don't worry the school year will be done before you know it, that's how it works after all anyways. Times flies when you are having fun.
I honestly cannot describe everything that has happened in the amount of time since last time I emailed you last Monday. To summarize it in a couple sentences. We have met with one of the people we are teaching four times and meeting with him tonight, his name is Anthony and he probably deals with every addiction you can list in a book. Its been hard for him since there as been so much negative influence but his is understanding more and more as we help him. Then another young man we are teaching named Chase, he has been super eager to learn more about the gospel and we extended the invitation for him to be baptized when he came to know that these things were true. And he said he would, so we are going to be his guides as he develops that faith in Jesus Christ and with his Heavenly Father. We invited him to mutual today so hopefully we see him! Then we have been helping an older lady we met with her family history, she is the sweetest thing on planet earth, just so nice and friendly, and to top it off hilarious in every way. The work has been picking up, both in the office and in the field so its getting REALLY FUN over here.
The joy that comes from sharing the gospel honestly cannot be described, but it can be felt. I came to the realization of a really simple process that we sometimes miss when it comes to, being a missionary! All we have to do is invite them, and when they come, you help them receive everything they need. SIMPLE right? And if that doesn't motivate with how easy it is, everyone is our brother and sister. But plot twist, they all accepted God's plan to come to earth, but they just forgot about it when they came here! And we have the opportunity to share that with them. Honestly, so (excuse my french) freaking cool isn't it? Kind of slapped my forehead saying, "really you missed that? Come on now..." but its a good feeling. Its almost like Ammon when he see's the success and when he see's Alma. He collapses from the joy he has felt. Hopefully that doesn't happen to me but its a good feeling!
Anyways though, I got to get rolling. I LOVE YOU MOMMA! Keep staying cool, and make sure to say Hi to the kiddos for me! Otherwise, I'll get back to you next Monday! I'll be taking a photo everyday, its an OFFICIAL goal now!
- Elder Brimhall
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