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June 25, 2018

Question Answering Time:
1. I didn't get the additional test because it sounded scary at first. First your eyes go numb and then something presses against your eyes... And after getting some information about maybe having something that causes blindness was kind of a rush of information so maybe just fear eased its way in. I'll give it a whirl when I go back to get my glasses. Nothing back from there yet if they are ready.
2. Our week had a lot of administering. Since with transfers we had to move a lot of mattresses and box springs for all the new missionaries are in trios. So we had to drive all over the valley to deliver those things. And then couch removals, some other furniture. Lots of fun stuff. 
3. That'll be fun for Savannah's nationals. Let her know I'll be rooting for her. Then heading right to Utah, lemme know how Bryson likes EFY. Victorville was a great place, I'll be looking forward when I go back to the desert sometime. Will you be seeing the cousins up there as well? How's that all going to be?

Hunter is finally on his way to San Salvador. That'll be fun for him. I'll have to shoot him an email to see how it all goes for him! Jeremy Quankenbush is just getting back? Oh my goodness it felt like he had been gone for ages, or maybe I never realized... Either way nice that he is coming back! Sad to hear about the boat having more problems, that thing just keeps having issues arise every now and then. At least you didn't get stuck out there though! You and Grant wanted the new Jurassic World movie? How'd that go? Anybody scream, I know that can happen a lot with those kinds of movies. How was Incredibles 2? Took them long enough to finally come out with the second one!

Glad Grant enjoyed the NBA draft. That funny guy loves sports so much, and its pretty crazy how he knows so much about it. That kid is such a funny one. He'll have to teach me all the tricks he knows when I get back. Bryson is getting his drivers license this week?! Oh my goodness that'll be fun, look at that your children are growing up so fast!! Sorry that was a little too soon, but ain't that great. Now you can get Bryson to take the kids places, it'll be fun. Oh no you are getting a 4th of July package made? Don't send too much fireworks, don't wanna attract a crowd out here.

Otherwise to give a more "detailed" brief of how the entire week went I emailed you on Wednesday so that wasn't too long ago. But we gotta pick up a couch from Ontario and cut it into pieces with a metal blade to throw it in the dump so that was fun. Its pretty fun just to look at the mission as we go driving places we need things to be done. Maybe when I am stopped at stoplights I can take pictures for you finally. I just need to remember that. 

On top of that one thing has stuck out to me. A lot of people don't give us an opportunity to talk to us just because of what we wear and our tag they immediately know what we are trying to do and they shut us out before we get to talk. So its a little hard out here to find people willing to listen, and to love them nonetheless. But I have come to the conclusion and the goal to never judge someone by their appearance from now on because it bugs me, and if I do that then I am a hypocrite. SO with that being said I am going to LOVE EVERYONE, because its hard in California! 

But we were able to teach one lesson this Sunday. We were in a meeting with a bunch of missionaries and our lesson had canceled on us but then he texted saying he actually could be there in 30 minutes so I grabbed another missionary and we drove to the church building where we met at. This was our first time ever being with each other and when we talked with him it flowed super well! I can know for certain it was the plans we created, or the fact that I gave my "temporary" companion a shpeel of what we would do but it was the Spirit that worked through us as we testified of how this gospel can help him. Its entirely crucial that we need the Spirit all the time wherever we are because we never know when those surprise moments and opportunities will arise. So that was pretty neat.

Sorry I took only one photo. I AM GOING TO DO BETTER THIS WEEK. I asked Elder Bryner to follow up with me in the morning to take a picture so it'll happen!! I LOVE YOU MOMMA!! And yes that was not the healthiest breakfast, it was pretty good though.


Email to Dad:

1. Everything has been going smoothly over here. Lots of shennigans from the first week of this transfer. But it was good work! We make these little cheat sheets for all the zone leaders, sister training leaders, assistants, mission president and his wife and the office staff so they know where all the missionaries are and their phone numbers. But the generator that made it easier BROKE so I had to jimmy rig it and make it manually. It was really unfortunate and hopefully we can get it fixed.
2. So I had the eye doctor appointment not last Friday but the Friday before that. My eyes have been straining and getting a little worse so that is unfortunate. Yeah Mom talked to the people at the place and I'll probably get the test done. It just sounded weird and I wasnt so sure about it, but Mom said to try it so we'll see what happens I guess. I can try and take pills, I have to learn someday I suppose. So if you want too I'll try.
3. Transfers actually went really smoothly. No problems with everyone getting where they needed to go. And along with that we got all the new missionaries, 9 new sisters and 2 new elders along with 5 VISA waiters. So we had lots of new missionaries. 
4. All the phones have been implemented. Now its just little tech errors or things we are experimenting with in the missionary programs we have. I wish we had some training for these sort of things but its mostly trial by fire. Its going fairly smoothly, could be better though.
5. My companion is great. Elder Bryner was a zone leader before coming here in the YSA ward in Rancho Cucamonga and he is a super positive guy, much more positive than me. I like him a lot so it'll be a fun transfer.

Leadership is definitely an interesting job. Lots of ministering and administering with those under your stewardship. But thing I have noticed is the different examples of leaders throughout the Book of Mormon. You have Moroni with his faith and courage to lead everyone to defend their faith and families. You have Abinadi standing up for his beliefs when he stood entirely alone. Nephi as he helped his family get through the wilderness. Alma as he fled from King Noah's priests because he knew it was wrong to stay and continued to teach the word of God preached by Abinadi. We have so many examples and we can develop those as they all have one thing in common. They relied on the Lord for direction and their faith never wavered. I'll try and be a leader, definitely not the best but I'll give it my all.

Glad to hear that you tried to go to Roosevelt. Thats actually pretty sweet that they have Elders now at that church building. What would they cover? That must of been pretty funny to see the exact same Elder that was at Thanksgiving. I bet he was a little surprised. Sounds like everyone had a ton of fun out there. Mom kicked everyone's butts? Man Bryson and Grant need to step it up. Piper does enjoy those walks, do you remember when we had that giant piece of cardboard with my face on it and Piper was always spooked by it. Maybe do that again and see how she reacts?

Otherwise out here in the mission we had a lot of administering done for transfers. We had to make bedding bags for all the new missionaries. Take mattresses and box springs to places over the valley to house all the missionaries. We actually had to take a couch from a set of missionaries in Ontario and toss it, so that was pretty fun. We might have to drive to Ontario and Chino sometime this week or next week for some more things to be moved around. But we were able to teach one lesson this week! It was with Anthony last night, it was actually fantastic. His girlfriend came with him and was actually super into the lesson! He has been praying every night ever since we first started meeting with him and we invited him to now read the Book of Mormon everday, we are starting to build that foundation until he can start getting his footing! We are hoping to extend a baptismal date to him after he starts getting a footing so he can feel like he is adequate to making that step.

Otherwise that is everything from me. I'll talk to ya next week Daddio! Always a pleasure to hear back from you!! KEEP IT UP OUT THERE!! LOVE YOU!!!



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