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June 20, 2018

As the usual, questions questions questions! Lets get those answered:

1. I am doing really well thanks for asking! Got to pick up my new companion early and he is a ton of fun. And yup transfers happened on Monday but it will be normal after this week. I'll let you know how the week was in a little bit.
2. The eye appointment went well. Really expensive. And I dont think they used your savings card because I paid for it with my debit card (I paid for half price and will pay the rest the next visit to pick up my new glasses so I'll send you the receipt sometime soon). 

Ok so about my eyes. How did Dennis Stapley go blind? During my meeting with the optometrist he said the pressure of my eyes was looking 28-29 on the left and 23-24 on the right. He said it might have something to do with the nerves in the back of my eyes, I forgot what he called it but I believe it started with a "D". He recommended I meet with another eye doctor when I get back to see what it could be, because apparently its a chance of going blind but its curable. I trust him, he also said people can live with it and never go blind but its rare. Because recently my eyes feel like they have been straining and hurting, hence why I need new prescriptions, a lot of the glasses they had were super expensive so I chose one of the cheapest, but I'll send the receipt home so you have it. Hopefully that doesnt stress you out, just giving the details I guess. 

That is pretty funny how Elder Bryner's mom found you before you found her. And yeah he is a good guy, I'll be looking forward to working with him out here in the office and the field. He is pretty good about taking pictures so hopefully I do better with that as well so you can be satisfied! I made a goal after all, I'll just have Elder Bryner keep my in check.

Glad to that the whole is family doing well. Everything has been going smoothly over here for now. Since we recently rolled out smartphones and implemented some new programs for our mission we seem to be running into more and more problems... Unfortunately they never gave us any "real" training for these sort of things and we have to just keep biting bullets one after another. I should be getting my new glasses sometime soon, hopefully. 

Recently we got one of our investigators Anthony who is actually 17 on a church tour and he really enjoyed it. We are having some troubles with communication with him since he likes skating with his friends and being with his girlfriend but we are working on that. We'll keep him in check and hopefully get him to church soon. Otherwise there wasnt a lot of "missionary work" done this last week with transfers getting ready because we had to drive all over the mission (thankfully just in the valley) to get beds and situations ready for the new missionaries, which we got a ton of them. 9 new Sisters and 2 Elders. Was quite the party.

Frankly I dont have much time left either so I'll have to cut this email kind of short. Hopefully I can do better with next week's and have some better stories or something for you! Unfortunately no pictures this week but I am working on that!! Love you Momma!!!

- Elder Brimhall

Email to dad:

Alright another round of questions, lets get them rolling:

1. My new companion is Elder Bryner, he is from Price Utah. He is a pretty funny guy and reminds me of somebody I used to know so it'll be fun being his companion. He plays the piano really well and loves to keep things clean, really clean... But I am thankful that because I try keeping things clean but he is much better at it than I.
2. What funny things have happened while teaching or contacting? Well for teaching we are teaching somebody who is 17, and he definitely does not look like he is 17. But I can say it is an interesting situation we are working with. But it'll be good. As for contacting... People in the summer love to not be home supposedly and it does not help while in the summer. We tracted an entire street for an hour and only two people answered their doors. So thats been going for us but we are trying to find people to teach because our teaching pool is dwindling and it does not help that our area is the smallest in the mission.
3. Learning from my scripture study? I have been learning a lot from the example of the Lord's servants as I read the Book of Mormon and the Bible recently. Just the examples of humility, love, dedication, and just every attribute Jesus Christ emulated. That and just trying to relate the scriptures to our day. As from our Mission President we have been trying to develop better study habits because its needed out here for sure.

Just this last Saturday, Elder Holland, Elder Soares, Bishop Causee, and Elder Velar came to our mission for a short conference of two hours. It was super amazing. It was great always watching and listening to them speak during General Conference but to shake their hands and look them in the eyes and just listen to them face to face... OH MY GOODNESS, it was incredible. It was like injecting myself with pure spiritual adrenaline into my veins... I just wanted to get out there and start preaching the gospel it was awesome. Elder Holland also pounded the pulpit so that was terrifying but amazing. I loved it.

On top of that recently we took one of our investigators on a church tour. It went really well because after it all we showed him the baptismal font and testified to him what it meant. And he said that would be something he would like to do someday. So hopefully we can keep meeting with him and help him get to the point where he wants to be baptized. But after that we have been struggling in this area in trying to find people to teach, the part we cover in the Victoria ward is pretty tiny and it doesnt help much that the ward itself is super small but its what we have to work with. I'm hoping we can keep working consistently out here.

Besides from everything glad to hear you enjoyed the card. I remember Brother Kempton, he last for a long time. But its peaceful to know that he is in a better place. I'll keep Sister Kempton in my prayers as she keeps going. Sounds like work is going good for you, I dont really know what I am going to do for work when I get back but thankfully I have time before that comes up. Bryson can be a funny guy, I miss him, I miss everyone. But thankfully I know y'all will be alright. 

Sadly I dont have as much time as I would like to email for today since its not an official preparation day but I'll do better next Monday with the email. Happy Father's Day! Maybe Savannah will make it up to you with that sandwich. I'll try and do better with pictures for you and Mom!! LOVE YOU DAD!! 

- Elder Brimhall


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