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July 2, 2018

Question Answering Time as per usual:
1. So the new glasses have not come in yet, I think I called on either last Thursday and Friday since it has been over 7-10 business days but they are still waiting to get here and no new information about them yet unfortunately. I might give them a call tomorrow because the sooner the better for me honestly.
2. Haven't done the eye test yet but when I go pick them up I'll get that eye test done. My eyes have been feeling like they are straining a lot whenever I where my glasses for too long. Doesn't help much as well when I read everyday for at least an hour and that puts even more strain on my eyes. Its been alright though, pretty uncomfortable but I am surviving just fine!
3. I haven't been in the Mission Office yet since last Friday so it probably made its way there already. But either way I'll know by either today if we drop by there or tomorrow when I go to the mission office.

Glad to hear that Testimony meeting went well! I got up to bear my testimony because I realized it was Independence Day weekend and I wasn't in Roosevelt for it. So it felt really weird and I had the impression to share about it with the entire ward. I bet the kids are super excited for summer school to be finally over, now its onto the fun stuff for the rest of the summer. Great to hear that everyone is doing well, I have come to the conclusion it feels really weird to think about life before the mission, just feels weird, really no way to explain it.

This week was pretty slow in terms of work in the mission field. And on top of that it was just flat out weird for two days. It all began on a Thursday when none of our investigators were texting or calling back so we dropped by all of them. One of them we helped unload the back of his truck that had new tile that he was going to be installing soon so he said to come back in a couple weeks. One of our families that we had been teaching, we met them before they left for Riverside this last Saturday. It was sad to see that they were going to move away but they will be back in a month but BARELY OUTSIDE our ward boundary. I was a little bummed but I got faith the other missionaries can help them out and commit them to baptism. And another one we dropped by and he was just about to leave home to go on an errand and invited us to come back this Wednesday so that was pretty neat.

BUT WAIT IT GETS BETTER FROM THERE. That was just one day. The very next day, Friday. We helped a non member moved out of his home but his house is HUGE, since Rancho Cucamonga is pretty wealthy so it took ages to get him all out and he thanked us afterwards. Then right after that we made a drive to Ontario to help install two washer and dryers stacked on top of each other, which let me tell you. My arms still are sore from trying to take those suckers up some stairs with my companion and a senior missionary, not fun. THEN right after that we had to take some bikes to storage but along the way we got a flat tire... So after changing it and putting on a spare we continued on our way back to the mission office just to learn we had to drive to Ontario AGAIN to get supplies from a store and drop medicine along the way for a missionary who really needed it... It was nuts... But tons of fun driving I suppose. I know the valley of this mission like the back of my hand.

I TOOK PICTURES. This week was a little crazy, so hopefully I can give a better account of what happens next week. I thought of making little notes in the drafts so I dont forget anything that way everything makes it in the email! But otherwise LOVE YOU MOMMA!! Have a outstanding 4th of July!!

- Elder Brimhall

Email to Dad:

OK before asking questions I saw a Model T decked out in a red, white, and blue paint job with a American flag and I now wish I took of picture of it for you because it was pretty cool.

But anyways Answering Question Time!
1. Things are going well. I will be honest. Being in the office can drain you mentally and so when we get out to work it feels exhausting but its a trial I am willing to push through. This area is probably the hardest I have served in and I am trying to change my behavior about the area and developing the faith to find and testify.
2. My new companion Elder Bryner. He is one of the most positive people I have ever met. Just happy and ready to work no matter the situation. He has a good desire to do good and he is a funny guy. I've been blessed with a lot of amazing companions and now I gotta live up to their standards of being a great companion as well.
3. Teaching wise? Its been hard keeping in daily contact with those we are teaching here, they either respond really well and on top of it but something will just come up and they'll forget about us coming by. Its unfortunate so we are trying to think about how we can keep everyone in touch and keep visits frequently so we can help them progress. So we haven't been able to teach any lessons this week but we have two appointments that hopefully dont fall through this week.
4. For the 4th of July we are helping out with a 5K Run that will be happening at 7:00am so that'll be fun. But then we have to been inside at 7:00pm unfortunately but its the rules that have been set and its for our own safety.

Glad to hear about how everyone is doing. WHAT?! Bryson is almost as tall as you? I am in so much trouble when I get back then, if he is taller than me when I get back I will not be a happy camper that is for sure. Glad to hear that Bryson is starting to get better and better, I am honestly looking forward when I can see everyone again; wont happen for over a year before I go home but I am definitely looking forward to that day. And I also just realized that I have almost been out for more than 11 months... Time truly does fly out here...

That is scary to hear that Bryson will be getting his license, that'll be fun though. Besides from EFY what will y'all be doing up there in Utah? Have fun in California, the weather has been starting to heat up but its no where as bad as Arizona when it starts heating up. 

There was one crazy day out of this entire week and it was just completely out of control. But I'll put it like this. We help a non member guy who lived up northern part of Rancho Cucamonga move out at 10:30am and we didn't leave until 1:30pm, then right after we had to grab lunch and head down to Ontario to help out a senior missionary move 2 washer and dryer combos into some apartment complexes. And I have to say when the both of those suckers are combined it is a rightful PAIN to hoist those suckers up to a second floor apartment. So that took about until 3:30pm, while we were there we picked up two bikes to be put in storage but as soon as we leave the complex one of our tires has a nasty nail in it and caused a flat tire. So we had to take it off and put on the spare. Then after that we drive back to Rancho and find out that a missionary needs medicine back down in Ontario and that we need to pick up supplies a store in the other part of Ontario as well... So that takes an eternity driving all the way down back and driving back up and we get home at 7:00pm where we finally eat dinner and we just end the night finishing office work for that day... All on a Friday... My goodness it was quite the trip.

Besides from that though nothing too much happened this week. Hopefully I'll have more stories of missionary work and teaching next week but I'll let you know when that happens! Always great to hear back from you again Dad! Leadership is quite an interesting thing but I also realized something, one person can have a lot of influence based upon their intentions and goals. One wicked king can bring a nation into ruin, while a righteous king can supply order and peace. If we intend to lead with good intentions and righteous judgement the impact you can have on others leaves a tremendous outcome. Its easy to follow, but its better to lead. But we have to know when to humble ourselves. Its a balance. 

Otherwise have a happy 4th of July Dad!! LOVE YOU TONS!!

- Elder Brimhall


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