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June 11, 2018

Sounds like you all are having a ton of fun for the summer, thats good! I'll send some photos and a video of me sucking helium out of a balloon, some fun times for the 19th Birthday! Working out is hard, I'll start getting into it then I end up lying on the floor for 10 minutes because I'm lazy, but I'm working on that. 

I cannot remember who that is, but if I saw a picture or something face to face my brain will probably click, then again I am terrible with remembering names anyways. I'M GETTING BETTER, but still bad at it. I've heard of Vanu Atu, a missionary I trained stayed there for 3 months and he said he loved it over there. 

Grant is still crazy over basketball, that munchkin never ceases to amaze me. Sounds like the Finals were fun though, I have realized very quickly how out of the loop missionaries are out here. We hardly hear about news and just about anything that happens. Its really weird but its adjustable. Being in California anyways you still hear the news or even see it wherever you go. 30 to 45 days for a shirt, holy cow, sounds pretty cool. 

I havent gotten my eyes checked out yet but I am scheduled for the appointment on this Friday since that is probably our least busiest day for us in the office. I'll let you know how it goes and the new lenses I get I suppose, with a picture! If I wear my glasses for too long my eyes start straining especially when I am walking around in the sunlight so I have been wearing them less and less until I get better prescriptions. I thought at first it was just all the technology I have been working on but its definitely the glasses, but it'll be alright.

Glad to hear all the kiddos are having fun though. Summer is always fun, but for me it just means more people arent home and its a lot warmer. I'll survive though, being raised in Arizona has trained me for this very moment... I think? Anyways though glad to hear you went on a date, I might plan on doing some of those (after the mission of course). 

Something cool that happened this Saturday though was we were meeting with one of our investigators and he shared with us how he has started praying! He's gone through quite a lot and he said one night he felt like just everything was on top of him but that when he prayed he fell asleep and when he awoke he felt completely fine! He is amazing, we shared with him the Book of Mormon and how it can help us just like prayer and we are going to be meeting with him Tuesday to invite him to start coming to the church building for lessons and also for church meetings! He is an awesome guy. But if that wasnt cool enough as soon as we were walking away a man walked up to us asking "What are you all doing?" We told him we were missionaries for our church and he at first said "Ohhh the Jehovah Witnesses?", and we responded "Well we are actually Mormon." and he asked "What's the difference?" And that openned up into us sharing with him our beliefs and he has noticed that God can help people out in the rough times and he wanted to meet with us. But after he told us he lived in Fontana we told him WE wouldnt be able to teach him but OTHER missionaries would meet with him and he was happy about that. Its pretty outstanding how God places us in the right place at the right time in everything that we do to bless the lives of others and give us those outbursts of joy. 

Missionary work is awesome. I'm going to miss it when its all done. THANKFULLY I GOT AWHILE STILL SO WOOHOO! But anyways thats enough of my blabbering, LOVE YOU MOM!! Here are some pictures and stuff so you can be satisfied. GOO BYEEEE

- Elder Brimhall

(Share the video with the entire family before you watch it, it'll be more entertaining for everyone)


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