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Sorry we didn't have Preparation Day on Monday like usual, because today we are going to the Redlands Temple. They moved our P-Day just for this week. Looks like you guys have been pretty busy and having fun at sooo many different places! We are still in a car for now, so I still get to wear my jacket when it does get cold but I've been doing very well regardless when it does get a little chilly. We were able to teach a couple lessons and actually get two investigators in this past week alone. Shows how much hard work and dedication can bring up great results when you are trying to put your best foot forward. Sounds like fun though that you guys are gonna have the missionaries over for dinner! For Thanksgiving I don't know what we are doing yet, but when I figure out the details I can let you know as soon as possible sometime in the future.

Me and Elder Olson have been trying to work with everything that we've been given and sometimes it results in just walking around all day when appointments fall through. I think being in a companionship helps out SOOO MUCH when it comes to work but also psychologically. We can help each other up no matter the circumstance and its super awesome to have someone right beside you. And its even a greater thought knowing that somebody above is looking out for us as well. Our two new investigators though are Arleen, who is in her 50s and said she was "feeling something different" when we came around and she is super awesome! And Isaiah who is 12 years old that he wanted to learn more about God.

This email is gonna have to be short, sadly, because I have even less time than last week. But hopefully I'll be able to prepare myself in the future for emails like this and just knock out all the emails I need to send out. But if you have any questions about something email me quick in the short time that I have!

Anyways I love you all and I keep you in my prayers!!


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