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Another Week into the New Month!

Hello Mom and Dad!! I'm glad to hear you both got callings, and how ironic is that you both got callings IN scouts, talk about working together. It'll be a lot of fun and something to always remember about our callings is there is always a reason. We may not see it at first but when we look through our "spiritual glasses" we can see what we can do for others!

That's pretty funny how Grant now uses "BOB" in Basketball, but that really does help out a lot. Bryson can be a funny one and I think we may have to revise those morning chores we have. Awesome to hear that you were able to have Family Home Evening and I know as you keep coming together as a family and building that foundation of love and the gospel it can bring us closer together. I know it will.

I'm actually really curious, where on earth did Mom get a picture of me eating ice cream? I didn't give anyone that I know your guy's phone numbers or anything. So please enlighten me on how that happened?

I'm glad to report that everything out here in the mission field has been experience after experience after experience, at least that's how I am viewing it. Whenever someone we tried to see or plan to visit isn't home we go around tracting and street contacting and always find someone who is willing to just spend a little time talking or listening to what we have to say. It reminds me of that one general conference talk, "No such thing as coincidences, everything happens by divine design". Just always implanting that into my mind has given me the want and desire to seek out others. There were so many talks that I wish I could just print off of and read and ponder them, but paper is kind of limited and I would be spending a lot of time, or I could just wait for the Ensigns to come in (apparently we get one every month from the mission office). 

Unfortunately yes Elder Ruiz will be going home next Monday after his two years of service out here in the mission field. He has helped me grow so much as a missionary, friend, worker, and servant to others. I am going to start taking more pictures, just always busy going around and doing work (I like to make excuses for these things). But I will definitely try and find the time to take those pictures that way I can entertain you two.

One of the questions in Elder Nelson's talk about the Book of Mormon was, "How much is the Book of Mormon worth to you?" Let that sink in for a bit. I remember taking for granted the power and teachings of the this outstanding scripture and now I see more than ever it can benefit our lives and others when we take the time to prayerfully study and read it. One member here told me if you read the Book of Mormon like an action book it gets pretty exciting and violent. So thats a little entertaining thing for me to think about.

I love you all and can't wait to hear what you guys are up to. And if you ever feel like sending me things, surprise me I guess?

Elder Brimhall

(Following from e-mailing back and forth)

- Yeah I got the conference package, and I was able to watch all the sessions. WITHOUT FALLING ASLEEP!

Yeah I remember that guy now, I was on exchanges with Elder Schone, my district leader, and he went with us to teach a lesson with a investigator to the church. That's pretty funny though because I had completely forgotten about him taking a picture and I had no idea he would post it. Small world.

No I had no idea about that shooting in Vegas. Being out here in the mission field you are kind of disconnected from the world. 

Glad the pictures made your day!

I got the watch from Walmart, bought it will my own money, not the missionary funds. Its really helpful.

Some favorite talks would have to be Elder Nelsons and Tad R. Callisters talks.

I have been staying awake for everything, I know I surprise even myself. I think exercising in the morning and eating healthier really helps. 

Out here we have no idea about what happens in the world. The mass shooting, was it a terrorist attack or like what the heck happened? There is lot a negativity in the world but when we look forward unto Christ and remember his redeeming love and how we can serve others it is truly a blessing.

I'll be getting a new companion, I kind of have to get assigned another trainer because technically I'm still being trained. He I guess is more nervous about going home, he is such a stud though.

Package wise, just a flashdrive with music I guess. I actually really don't know. Instrumental music with Hymms would be pretty awesome. I think I sent you guys some letters with ideas...

I actually heard about that "The Infinite Atonement" it gets really deep, like extremely deep and can really get you to think apparently, so you have been warned.

That's crazy to hear how just one person could cause so much damage and destruction. But we see evidence of things just like this in the scriptures, one person can lead away the hearts of men and also just revile and rebel against their own brethren. We have to be careful to always keep the companion of the Holy Ghost with us, and remembering we are children of a loving Heavenly Father. And another great thing that some people don't think about, is those people who lost their lives, they are with God now in open arms, accepting them back home where we all will return.

Most of Lindsey Stirling's music is upbeat and I know there are a couple that just use violin and touches of beats to bring the tempo. But its alright, not having music isn't going to kill me but it is a nice release while winding down after a day's work. 

Today me and Elder Ruiz are gonna be "extra" cleaning our apartment since President and Sister Taylor are gonna be doing inspections for the high desert, so we are gonna get on top of everything and keep it "clean". This will be the last email I send back to ya, and I'll make sure to send my weekly paper letters as well, its pretty fun actually.

Love ya, and stay safe!
Elder Brimhall 


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