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Weekly Email (September 25 2017)

Hello Mom and Dad!

Thats crazy how Bryson has already gotten taller than you, tell him to stop or he is getting a behind whooping when I get back (if he gets past six foot let me know IMMEDIATELY). Thats unfortunate that all those trees are trying to make a come back, good luck getting them out of there! I actually made a goal in my Weekly Planner to take more photos so I am dedicating myself to doing that, (woot woot). Yeah I'm really excited for General Conference this weekend, if you sent the package I unfortunately won't get it until next week (but maybe I might who knows), but I did get that jacket in the mail, the Zone Leaders looked at me like "What the heack is in there?". Just send whatever you feel like will be alright, I'm sure your judgement will be great enough. And I'm pretty sure I can just transfer music from a flashdrive to the shuffle if I'm using a computer, if not I'll just send the iPod shuffle to you in the mail! 

I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well! And I was actually wondering did you guys get my letter in the mail yet? I can't remember when I wrote it but it was during last week and I sent it in the mail because a member said its always a great thing to send "physical" letters to friends and family.

Everything out here in the mission field is amazing. I was able to help a non-member move into their new home, which they contacted us because from years ago some Elders left their number on a card for them and they found it while packing up their things. So we were able to help them get everything unloaded and they might be interested in taking the Missionary Lessons, BOOYAH! Me and Elder Ruiz have been going about and getting into contact with literally anyone you can think of, yes anyone (to some extent). But I honestly cannot say this enough, when you lose yourself in the work not only does time go pretty quickly, but there are blessings when you put forth your effort to help and serve others. Whether its physical work, or just saying "Hello!" can make someone's day.

I've been reading in the Chapters of Mosiah and Alma a lot during my time here in the mission field, and I cannot seem to stop learning so much. Somehow being out here in the mission field has increased my desire to learn the scriptures and apply it to not only my life, but to also benefit those around me. There are so many ways we can show our willingness to obey God's commandments and come closer to him, because out here it has blessed me so much and those around me. Its just as simple as reading the scriptures, praying, serving others, and so many other acts of faith that seem small but are so AMAZING.

I found a quote and I wanted to share it with you guys, "Prayer is a Gift from God. We need never feel lost or alone". I pray so much everyday out here in the mission field I won't be surprised if my knees start looking weird after these two years. Just the most simple things like studying or reading the scriptures, praying on our knees, going to church, and all those acts of faith can show how much we care about our Father in heaven. I wanted to challenge you two to hold family home evening on a day where EVERYONE is home and can participate. Just taking that time to come together as a family can strengthen our relationship and bond when we take that time to come together. I love you all so much and I couldn't imagine what would happen if we stopped following the Savior and "stiffnecked". ALSO something I want you to try, is have the missionaries over for dinner sometime, it would be an amazing experience to help them but also hear from them.

I love you all so much and I can't wait to hear from all of you!
Elder Brimhall

(The following from e-mailing back and forth)

- I actually didn't' put on the jacket "yet", but I will and send a letter in the mail when I do. (Did you get my letter in the mail by chance?)

I'll be going down to Rancho Cucamonga tomorrow actually because Elder Ruiz has a doctor's appointment in the morning down there with the Missionary Nurse so I might have the chance or seeing the package there if I get the chance.

Family Home Evening is just so powerful, me and Elder Ruiz had family home evening with a Lesser-Active family and they know they need to come back to church, but they run a catering company with food and parties so sometimes they work on Sundays. I'm glad you gals enjoyed the Women's General Conference, I actually ran into some sisters at their homes who were extremely excited after hearing what they had to share.


- Elder Ruiz had some sinus problems and keeps "hacking" with spit sometimes so since we scheduled it last week we are still just going to go just to make sure he is healthy, but otherwise he has been doing really well recently. He actually goes home on October 9th (if I am correct) so he only has about 2 weeks left in his mission. He just wants to get as much work done as possible, he wants to finish strong and make sure he leaves a strong foundation of missionary work here in Victorville, and also to train me because he is my missionary "dad" and I'm his "son".

I heard from one of my friends, Tanner Bryce, he got his "mini mission" call to Tempe Arizona to see if he can handle it, can't remember exactly what he said but I know he got that. He pretty much gets to serve for 3 months in that area and then I think they send him somewhere else or something from that. I know Jacob Law put in his papers and I'm still waiting to learn where he is going, I guessed California because if that happens, HAHA! But otherwise I don't know of anyone else yet.

I actually just got an email from Jacob (literally a couple minutes ago) that he is going to serve in the Pennsylvania, Philadelphia mission speaking English. 

I'll make sure to take some pictures of him for ya, gotta get as many as I can before he leaves to go back home to Provo Utah. But this will be my last email before I gotta head out, gotta get some stuff done with P-Day like laundry, some shopping, maybe some exploring with the Zone Leaders, Elder Metten and Richins (I'll get some pictures with them as well). And when you do send the music maybe get a pretty good sized flashdrive, that way I could store photos and other stuff. But then again I can always buy some flashdrives while I'm here.

Also I forgot to ask, did you send that check from or the $500 for the bike or did you find a way to send it to my wells fargo account? Just curious.

Anyways I love you all so much! Be safe!


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