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Weekly Email (9/18/2017)

The first Jacket looks really good, the IZOD Men's Resistant Midweight Jacket with Polar Fleece Lining. Yeah I noticed and heard from other people in the area that it can get pretty cold, even though we are in the desert (who knew?). But I have heard from Grandma Kathy every week but not from any of the cousins, Hunter did email in the first week but I think he is plenty busy. I'm glad to see everyone is having fun and doing well, and nice job with Savannah giving that talk during Sacrament meeting, it can be a little nerve racking getting up and talking to everyone. But we eventually can break down those barriers and build up our confidence in physical and spiritual means. I've learned just from walking up and down streets, knocking on doors, and sharing our message with everyone to "Come unto Christ" that it will take some time for me to just walk up to EVERYONE that I feel like I should talk to and just start talking. Its still new to me and to be honest its hard, but as I keep practicing and striving to put my best forward I know that I'll become stronger and feel more comfortable.
But some really cool experiences happened this week, one of the people we had tried teaching when he was drunk has been trying to turn his life back around. We left him with a Book of Mormon and a Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ Pamplet in our last week visit. He has been keeping himself busy so he doesn't drink and wants to move out of the rental he is into somewhere better. Its amazing just seeing him want to change and turn his life back around for the better. Because he does have 2 children and a "fiance" and he wants to be there for them, even though he hasn't been to see them recently. There are lots of broken families here and it shows how blessed we are to have the families we are in, and should NEVER take them for granted.
On top of that though, me and Elder Ruiz haven't been able to find any new Investigators to teach YET, but just this week we ran into a bunch of potential Investigators that we are always trying to go see so we can share the gospel with them. We have been working in newer areas and mostly just coming into contact with Less-Active member families, sharing our message with them and showing how much we care for them and they are not forgotten. Even just showing up on their front doorstep and saying "Hi!" can really help someone's day, it may not seem like it but you never know what that person has been going through.
While talking with a family that we had for dinner, the father Brother Orantes brought a scripture up to mind for me to read and it has helped me so much these past couple days. Before hand we just gave a older woman a blessing in the hospital, she wasn't looking too well, and I really needed this scripture. (Doctrine and Covenants 9:9) - "But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong; therefore, you cannot write that which is sacred save it be given you from me". Sometimes I think so hard when it comes to simple teachings, and this scripture helps me just SIMPLIFY and TEACH more clearly.
I love you all and always remember that God is our loving Heavenly Father, and we should never take what we have for granted. Our family has been extremely blessed with the gifts and talents, along with the community and area that we lived and grew up in. I've never prayed so much in my life and in the Mission field you do it A LOT. I know that as I serve and put my shoulder to the wheel and push along with a duty full of heart and song, that it will all be ok.

Love Your Elder,
Jarom Brimhall

(Next parts from e-mailing back and forth)

Yep I got the Music and the short sleeved white shirts you sent me, thank you so much for those!

Actually me and Elder Ruiz have been driving a Cheverolet Cruze for our mission, while also riding some bikes. But our area is actually pretty big and we are still trying to find people to teach. I don't think I'll need gloves yet but I'll let you know!

I had to take a quick picture before leaving for the day, I always (ALWAYS) forget to use my camera, just always working and they say to not use Cameras during tracting and working so I'll have to get some in the morning or evening, have Elder Ruiz help me out there.

I'll get better photos (of me actually smiling, sorry)

(I asked him where he got the tie...since I'd never seen it before)

Some Elders from the last transfer apparently left some ties, so I've just added a couple to my collection since they were free.

I haven't seen a package yet but I'll probably get it tomorrow or next week determining how fast it got to the mission home and to my Zone Leaders.

I'll ask them (I asked him to ask the families who host him for dinner to send me pictures), but for most cases I don't, because we want to set a good example as missionaries in the ward because the last ones weren't exactly "all too great" they went their own way.

Mostly yummy dinners, its been mostly chicken and rice with some beef and soup or just a variety of foods. But as for anything gross, I haven't gotten anything yet that I DESPISE or just hate, guess I'm pretty blessed.
We don't go out to Lunch most of the time, we just make food to go like Sandwiches or other things we can take with us, but sometimes we do whenever we feel like it, but we do our best to manage our financials. Which I've been doing pretty good with.
Gift Card to Taco Bell would be spot on, but to be honest I'm pretty alright! Just excited to learn and keep trying in the mission field!

Don't know where we'll watch General Conference yet but some members offered their homes so we could watch with them. But most likely we'll be at the church watching General Conference. The Mesa Linda ward is actually pretty big (according to the directory) but there are just so many less actives or people who sometimes come and sometimes don't. Its not as big as back home but I know it can be if I keep working hard in the field.
Thats pretty funny how the house feels a little "different" almost seems like someone isn't home... Hmmmmmm... Anyways I hope you have fun in California! But just one quick thing before I get going. I want you guys as a family to read the scriptures or have family prayer every night if possible, I know Dad you can be busy at night and not get home for awhile. But try and set sometime during the day/week to just get together and spend time.
I also sent Bryson a little task that he may need some help with, and I may have some more music tastes in the next week. But I love you all so much!!
Elder Brimhall 


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