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September 5, 2017

Ello Momma and Papa~

Alright I finally get to Email after a little longer than usual, my Preparation Day is now on Monday but yesterday was Labor Day so the Library was closed so we couldn't email. 

I finally made it out into my mission field! Right now in the Rancho Cucamonga Mission I am serving in Victorville for the beginning of my mission and its pretty awesome. Most of the places here are just dirt roads and desert with some nicer looking neighborhoods that have asphalt roads. Otherwise most of the houses here are a little beat up and to be honest a little sketchy. But the weather feels just like home in Arizona being in the high desert except here theres lots of wind.

Man its almost been a month since I've left (which to be honest didn't seem that long ago but it did) and I've come to realize that time here is very precious even though I do have 2 WHOLE YEARS. I've been learning to break down my barriers and reach out to people who need help or I can try and serve. Walking up to everyone and asking if they need help then leading into our message of Jesus Christ to people still is a bit odd concept that I'm trying to get the hang of, but hey I ain't perfect. 

Out here just being able to serve and dedicate my time for these people has helped me see that everyone can be reached out and talked to, even if they don't want your help or time. I've walked up to people I would never try to approach just because of what they looked at in my minds eye (blood shot eyes, tattoo and scars/black eyes, something outta jail) but I'm starting to see them through a new perspective.

I'm been here for just a week now and I've seen so many miracles that have happened that I usually wouldn't notice. One major one that I'm counting (and still hoping that he continues in contact) was me and my companion Elder Ruiz were going to meet a Investigator but when we got there she had moved. And while we were getting ready to leave we saw a 24 year old man just sitting on his table in his front dirt yard starring blankly into the scenery. Little bit to describe him, Hispanic with jet black gelled hair and one left blood shot eye, black marks under his eyes and scar on his forehead with tattoos on his arms. First thought was, this guy looks scary and just like he got out of jail (which he did at sometime ago) and I didn't want to approach him. But we looked at each other, Elder Ruiz, and both felt like we should go up to him and just talk. When we started talking he just nodded slowly and didn't respond much but then slowly he started opening up to us. He has a fiance and 2 kids, and he feels like he is missing something in his life when he got a job. He told us it takes anyone to get out into the streets but that he had a HUGE amount of respect for us as Missionaries. We tried to meet with him again 3 times since that intial contact but to no avail yet.

Theres just been so many things happening that sometimes I forget what to even write down in my Journal, thank goodness for that thing so I could remember these things! I know I am doing the Lord's work and my time here is precious even though I have like 2 YEARS. But this morning I was studying the scriptures and came across Family.

Mosiah 4:14-15 and 3 Nephi 18:21
"Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful Marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentence, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities."

Dad I'm so amazed at the work you put forth for our family and how dedicated you are. And its absolutely amazing to remember all of our gifts and traits came from God because we all have special gifts that he wants us to share with the world, and you do that by healing the sick (literally) and serving those in need. But never forget that Family is essential and everything revolves around that humble home. Mom you can do crazy amazing things when you put your heart to work and its amazing how many friends and people you come to meet. Your love for others helps them open up and that is a special attribute to teach your children. The Duty of a Father and Mother are extremely important, and don't let anyone say otherwise. Out here families are torn apart by divorce, conflicts, and other ways Satan tries to disrupt this special relationship.

I love you all, and I forgot my camera for Emails today but I'll remember to bring it for the next P-Day.

From your Missionary,
Elder Brimhall

PS: I didn't know you took so many pictures of Piper Mom (LOL)

(Holly was able to email back and forth with him a little. Got a little bit more information from him in 3 additional emails)

I'm in Victorville California, for as of now but I know I get to be here for at least 12 weeks during my infield missionary training.

Elder Ruiz, oh man this guy is absolutely amazing. He actually leaves in about 5 weeks from now so I'm his last missionary companion (I know I only get to have him for half of my training). He is from Provo Utah and just a really amazing and spiritual guy. He has little hilarious outbursts that can catch you off guard, but I love him so much. We got "whitewashed" into the Mesa Linda Ward in Victorville (Whitewash means fresh "new" missionaries get put into a ward instead of exchanging one Elder for another if that makes any sense). It means we start with whatever records we have and what the last Elders left us, which in our case was literally nothing (which is why they Whitewashed them). So we've been starting at practically square one when it comes to street contacting and going up to people's houses that we feel prompted to do so. We actually picked up a NEW investigator, its when you teach them a lesson and they want you to come again, and her name is Elena Castillo, she is in her 70s / Hispanic / and been part of the Church of Christ for over 50 years so that was fun. And there are still so many stories that I want to share so I'll try and get that our before our time is up or when we need to get going.

Also Mom, try not to check the Email too much ðŸ˜‰, I only get to Email mostly on Monday, and it'll be around this time or earlier. I'm glad you are eager to read my Emails but come on, I'm only gone for like what 23 more months you can't miss me too much already.

I haven't gotten a Package yet thats what I know of, I think the address for sending things is...

California Rancho Cucamonga Mission
6541 Woodruff Place
Rancho Cucamonga CA 91701

Thats where you can send mail then the Zone leaders go down and get the mail for you, and bring it up for District Meetings/Zone Meetings and then they give it to ya. And the District Meeting was today and it looked like I didn't get any packages/mail so I don't know. I could send you my Apartment address but its safer to have it sent to the mission home because anything could happen outside the apartments when it comes to mail there.

But you can look for the Mesa Linda Ward in Victorville which is the ward I'm serving, think you could go to or something and find it. Or just look up a map of Victorville and try and find the church building on Amethyst (don't you dare come visit on a Sunday or at all, gotta wait 2 years).

Yeah we get to have Dinner with Members or if people offer that aren't members but want to have a missionary discussion by the looks of things. I could give you my Appartment Address but the area isn't exactly safe for packages coming in because we are mostly gone from the residence until around 9:00pm when we get back. But otherwise I'll give it some more thought on it. 

This will be my last email sent because I have to get going. Love ya!!


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