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January 28, 2019

I heard about that from another email and all those posts on Facebook about it. Tell her I send her my best wishes and prayers for them. Be safe on the way there! That was fun to hear about Grant though, he'll become a superstar the more he works at it, and that basketball court will help out, tell him when I get back I'll ball with him!  Concerning that jacket, just something more casual, the only one I have is that big one from the beginning so its can get warm. Just something for the preparation days or just lounging around at night. Probably should have but more information on that request, my bad! You can have Bryson pick something out, I'll make sure to email him today and maybe he'll do the same. We had some really cool things happen this week though. We started teaching this older couple, Ralph and Terry, and they are such great people. Ralph is currently in a wheelchair because he lost a foot, and I swear the jokes he cracks are phenomenal. This is my f...
Recent posts

January 21, 2019

The first week with Elder Johnson went really well! We've served around each other in Ontario and in Apple Valley so being companions makes it a little more fun. He's from North Carolina and he'll hit his year mark this week. Mary's baptism went really good actually! She was nervous at the beginning and she looked so much better. Her son who was baptized 2 years ago bore his testimony during the baptism service and it went really well. She already feels like she has been a part of the ward and now that she has been baptized and confirmed she feels even closer. Darla has been sick ever since she came to church so hopefully we can meet again with her soon. Yeah I got an email from Bryson so hallelujah! Throughout the week it got pretty stormy over here in Hesperia. We've been getting good amounts of rain and its been getting pretty chilly along with it. I think our little weather app told us at one point it felt like 34 degrees outside. When you got a drizzle of ...

January 14, 2019

Yup transfers happened today and Elder McLaughlin is leaving to go finish training another Elder who just came out 6 weeks ago. He'll do great out there, I'm getting Elder Johnson (he came out into the mission when I was in my 4th transfer in Ontario) and he's from North Carolina! I've served around him quite a bit so this'll be fun! I think PDay will still be the same. We can email from our phones and not everything is closed so it'll be fine, what holiday is coming up? I don't know anything so far as of right now concerning my mission reassignment. It'll probably be talked about later in the future, still up in the air but I believe President Taylor has been talking with the neighboring missions concerning what'll happen.  Mary did pass her baptismal interview though this past Wednesday! She's super excited for her baptism coming up really soon. We started making her baptismal program for her and inviting everyone we know to come and attend. ...

December 7, 2019

I'm doing real good thanks for asking! The two hour church was really weird, not having Elder's Quorum right afterwards just felt odd. Yeah and the class right after sacrament meeting was FILLED to the brim, and the fact almost everyone was there was even weirder, it'll take some time to adjust I believe. Those kids are funny, you'll find a way for them to like it and be entertained. As missionaries we just get more time to work now sooooo there's that. I was going to tell you about the mission dissolving but word gets out quick I guess. It'll be interesting, my last tranfer is just going to be a little twisted up but it'll be good. I have a good feeling about it and it'll just be another wild transfer. Speaking of transfers we have another one coming up next Monday so I'll fill you in with what happens when the time comes.  Thats fun to hear that Bryson got to play some games with people. Kind of miss those days just playing games with family and ...

December 31, 2018

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA!! 🎂🎉. That's pretty funny that that Dad and the kiddos got you a cake, and that sounds like a ton of fun that you and the family are going out to do whatever you want. I think for New Years we'll just go to sleep, maybe, we still have to be awake at 6:30 in the morning. I didnt know you and the family was going out to Mexico, it sounded like a ton of fun. Its amazing how serving can give us a new perspective of love and thankfulness.  I was super grateful to talk to you and everyone in the family. It was funny seeing how Grant, Savannah, and Bryson have changed over time. It was honestly really weird talking to all of them. By the time I come home they'll be even more grown up. After the Christmas call we had some goodie bags made and gave them with #LightTheWorld cards to all our neighbors in our apartment complex and some other people.  We were walking down a street trying by some people that used to meet with missionaries and looki...

December 24, 2018

Our program went really well actually. We had about 5 or 6 music numbers and one speaker that took about 10 to 15 minutes. We got to join in with the Elder's Quorum and sing. Would calling California time at 6:00PM work for the family? Elder McLaughlin's family is in Texas so their time is 2 hours ahead. Arizona is 1 hour ahead right? I haven't heard back from Bryson since the beginning of this transfer which was December 3rd. If its at all possible, maybe I could talk to him for a little bit personally. And maybe to make it even talk to everyone individually for a little bit. Do you still have my Skype information from Mother's Day so we can use that again. Dad wants to use Zoom but I can't set it up on this phone. I'm honestly super excited to talk with y'all tomorrow! I'll try and respond to emails as soon as possible today. 

December 17, 2018

Concerning all those Christmas questions. I did get the large grocery bag of goodies and all that hot chocolate. It was pretty funny because the Monday of that week I bought a thing of hot chocolate and my companion joked with me how someone would send me hot chocolate, and low and behold it happened. Nobody signed up for Christmas dinner yet and I dont really know what time I'll call you guys. Probably in the evening, but I'll talk with my companion see if his family has plans like that already. Those Christmas packages I'll probably get them tomorrow or later in the week. I'll make sure to take pictures this time for Christmas.  Yeah it was super weird seeing the Nevitts at the Christmas party. Someone started waving us over and when I saw them I almost did a double take because my mind was going "OK those faces are SUPER familiar... Where have I seen them", then it clicked and it was pretty funny. I'm glad they sent a ton of pictures, I've been tr...